‚Johanna‘ welcomes highly mobile families!

Not only „Brexiteers“ and families from other European countries are moving to Berlin to seek job opportunities and a  personal professional future, but more and more also higly mobile families from other countries and continents – be it for the parents themselves or in the long run also for their children.

Also, there are more and more international families seeking  temporarily quality-schooling for their children. Very often though, inscription at Berlin’s few  International Schools and/or bilingual schools is not available;  or parents wish, very understandibly,  to let there children share the intercultural advantage of experiencing a different school system and thus learn more about differences (and at the same time unexpected global similarities) in teaching and learning and developing intercultural skills.

We invite you to make an appointment  in order to get to know each other and learn more about our integrated ‚Welcome-Class-Concept‘- preferably by sending an eMail to: sekretariat@johanna-eck.schule.de.